VIP Participant States Receive Awards at NASS Conference


In recognition of the Voting Information Project’s (VIP) fifth anniversary and ongoing success, we honored the participating states that have continued to publish polling places and other election data as part of the open data effort. On July 19th, at a reception at the National Association of Secretaries of State2013 Summer Conference in Anchorage, Alaska, Google presented nine states with an award to recognize their efforts to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of elections through open data.

Created five years ago by a visionary group of technologists, foundations, and election officials, VIP is a powerful tool that helps Secretaries of State and election officials distribute election information to voters. In 2012, users queried the Google Civic Information API 22 million times in the run up to the general election. When the project started in 2008, nobody involved knew whether the open data effort would have any impact at all. Early adopters took a risk on something new by agreeing to participate and the payoff was immense.

We are very grateful to the following states, which continue to enthusiastically champion VIP and provide support for the project’s work:

  • Kansas

  • Ohio

  • Maryland

  • Minnesota

  • Missouri

  • Montana

  • Virginia

  • North Carolina

  • North Dakota

For more information, please contact Anthea Watson Strong.

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