Get to know the Voting Information Project (VIP)

If you’ve ever searched, “where to vote” online, you very likely were met with official election information from the Voting Information Project (VIP). For over a decade, VIP has helped voters navigate the logistics of our elections by making critical information — like where to vote and what’s on the ballot — easily accessible across the internet.

We’ve put together 10 facts to help you get to know VIP a bit better!

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Announcing the Inaugural VIP Partner Awards

The 2020 election cycle was unprecedented in many ways — including the pressure on election offices to conduct safe, secure elections during a global pandemic. Amidst all of these challenges, state election offices continued to take part in VIP. To recognize this achievement and celebrate the work of election offices, we are happy to inaugurate the VIP Partner Awards.

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Lily SchieberImpact, Partners
Mail Ballot Drop Boxes: Another Option to Cast Your Ballot!

Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, many states have expanded access to voting by mail in order to provide voters with another option for safely casting their ballots. As part of that expansion, more states than ever are planning to utilize mail ballot drop boxes for the General Election. This post has answers to commonly asked questions about what mail ballot drop boxes are, who can use them, and how they ensure your vote will get counted.

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Guest UserDrop boxes
NEWS RELEASE: The Voting Information Project moves to Democracy Works, Inc.

It was announced by Democracy Works, Inc. that it would become the new organizational home for the Voting Information Project (VIP) effective today. Today’s transition is the culmination of a months-long selection process spearheaded by The Pew Charitable Trusts to spin off the highly successful civic technology program that provides official election information to the public.

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Guest User
VIP Continues to Support Elections Through 2018

The Voting Information Project (VIP) is significantly expanding its support of federal, state, and local elections in 2018. As it did in 2017 during key special and off-year elections, VIP will provide critical information, such as polling place locations and ballot information, to voters who will cast ballots in more than 100 elections, including statewide and federal primary and general races in at least 46 states and the District of Columbia. 

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Guest User
Voting Information Project Data Flow

The Voting Information Project (VIP) works with states to ensure that Americans can easily find official voting information where they look for it most: online. A partnership of The Pew Charitable Trusts, Google, and states, VIP aims to provide voters with answers to basic questions such as “Where is my polling place?” and “What’s on my ballot?”

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Guest User
Voting Information Project Makes Casting Ballots Easier in 2017

The Voting Information Project (VIP), an initiative of The Pew Charitable Trusts, is a collaboration with the states, Google, and other private sector partners to ensure that Americans have the official information they need to cast a ballot, including where to vote and what candidates and initiatives are on the ballot.

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Guest User
VIP Continues to Support Elections Throughout 2017

The Voting Information Project (VIP) is significantly expanding its support of state and local elections in 2017. As it did in 2016 during the general election, VIP will provide critical information, such as polling place locations and ballot information, to voters who will cast ballots in more than 70 elections.

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