Democracy Works releases 2022 Impact Report
Everything we do at Democracy Works and with the Voting Information Project is to provide voters with more trusted information, more resources to make voting easier, and more peace of mind in knowing their vote counts.
We’ve been around for more than a decade and have become one of the trusted voices in the election space, as we continue to amplify the trusted election information provided and reviewed by states.
We are excited to share our 2022 Impact Report. It shares a deeper look at the impact we were able to make last year as we continue to build on our positive momentum.
The Impact of the Voting Information Project
Democracy Works supported 1,535 elections in 2022. That’s a lot of data. In particular, VIP published data for:
13,710 early vote locations
18,032 drop off locations
109,208 polling places
““Participating in the Voting Information Project helps the Secretary of State’s Office connect Idaho voters with their official polling place information and gives us access to useful resources at no cost to the state. When the Elections Division website had a technical issue on the morning of the 2022 Primary Election, we were able to temporarily redirect our page to VIP’s free voting location lookup tool while this was resolved. Because we provide trusted polling place information directly to VIP, this backup tool allowed our voters to continue finding the information they needed on election day, without a disruption.””