The Voting Information Project in 2014
In 2014, the Voting Information Project (VIP) will be working with all 50 states and the District of Columbia to provide important voting information – where to vote, what’s on the ballot, etc. – to voters across the nation. In addition to the November election, VIP is planning to offer voting information and provide support to voters in the following states for their primary elections in 2014:
StateSupported Primary Date Alaska8/19/2014 California6/3/2014 Colorado6/24/2014 Connecticut8/12/2014 District of Columbia4/1/2014 District of Columbia (Special Election)7/15/2014 Hawaii8/9/2014 Kansas8/5/2014 Maryland6/24/2014 Michigan8/5/2014 Minnesota8/12/2014 Missouri8/5/2014 Montana6/3/2014 Nebraska5/13/2014 Nevada6/10/2014 New Jersey6/3/2014 New Mexico6/3/2014 New York9/9/2014 North Carolina5/6/2014 North Carolina (Primary Runoff)7/15/2014 North Dakota6/10/2014 Oklahoma6/24/2014 Rhode Island9/9/2014 South Carolina6/10/2014 Utah6/24/2014 Virginia6/10/2014 Virginia (Special Election)8/19/2014
We are looking forward to a busy year for VIP. Our goal is to provide data voters can rely on, and in the place where they seek it most—online.
Update: The date we initially listed for Alaska’s primary was incorrect. The date has been updated.
Update: As of July 1st, VIP supported Utah’s primary and is planning to support the Connecticut primary, the North Carolina Runoff, and the DC and Virginia Special Elections. VIP did not support the West Virginia primary, as originally planned.
Update: As of August 21st, VIP supported Wyoming’s primary. VIP did not support the Wisconsin primary, as originally planned.
Update: As of September 9th, VIP supported New York’s primary. VIP did not support the Delaware primary, as originally planned.