Kansas Caucus and Mississippi Primary Gadgets Now Available!
Thanks to all the hustle and hard work of the VIP team and our partners we are able to share the caucus place look-up tool for tomorrow’s Kansas Caucus! For readers unfamiliar with the gadget, it is a free and easy tool that allows Kansas voters to type their voter registration address and have their caucus place displayed on a Google map, along with travel directions.
Are you curious what your next steps might be? Might I recommend visiting this fancy website where you can grab the gadget and customize it to fit the needs of your audience. The Election ID for the Kansas 2012 Caucus is 2112. This gadget will only provide Republican caucus locations in Kansas.
For all our Mississippi voters, we have something for you, too! You can grab the gadget here for next Tuesday’s event. The Election ID for the Mississippi 2012 Primary is 2111. The data is official and the gadget is free, so please share liberally.
For more details on tricking out your gadget, read Jared’s post from 2011. Happy embedding!