Join Us October 19 for a VIP #Vote2012 Twitter Chat
From fundraising mobile apps to political discourse on Twitter, there’s no doubt this election cycle is driven by technology. New innovations are changing the way we debate with, engage, and inform voters.
The Voting Information Project (VIP) has teamed up with organizations like Google, Microsoft, Facebook and others to create open development platforms that give the power of information to the people. Developers can use VIP data in a way that meets a variety of citizen needs – we can help you find your polling place, remind you what you need to bring to the polls, and let you know who’s on your ballot. Several election officials and policy makers VIP works with are also taking advantage of technology to empower and inform citizens, via social media and via web-enabled services.
That’s why VIP is pleased to announce that we’ll be hosting a Twitter chat on October 19 to discuss the many ways technology is transforming the elections process. We’re fortunate to have Alex Howard, Government 2.0 Washington Correspondent for O’Reilly Media, facilitating the chat.
Many VIP partners will join in the discussion and we hope you will, too! Feel free to follow the conversation using the hashtag #Vote2012. If you have any questions in advance, please email us at
Here are the details:
WHAT: #Vote2012 Twitter Chat: An open discussion on technology and the elections process
WHEN: Friday, October 19 at 2:00pm ET
WHERE: Twitter (following hashtag #Vote2012)
WHO: @VotingInfo, @digiphile, and YOU!
Looking forward to the discussion—hope to see you there.