Arming Voters with Essential Election Day Information
Today, there are several technology tools available that aim to help voters make informed decisions this election cycle. We are tweeting tips all month long on how to best educate yourself about voting processes as well as tools available to help you make an informed decision, so be sure to follow VIP (and follow the hashtag #VotingTips) for updates.
The best way to find accurate, up-to-date information on ballot-casting, eligibility and early voting, polling place services as well as the registration and voting process for military and civilians living abroad is from official information sources. Your elections office website is a great place to find this information, however, sometimes this information can be buried deep within web pages and can be difficult to find.
Check out VoterHub. Quick access all of this information is available via AT&T’s VoterHub mobile application. The free app is now available for Android and Windows Mobile phones and coming soon to the Apple App Store. Any smartphone can access the website via
One way the Voting Information Project is looking to increase engagement this election cycle is by leveraging Twitter for an open discussion on the sometimes confusing elections process. If you want to find out more information about how to navigate the voting process and what technology tools are available to you this year, we encourage you to join us in our live #Vote2012 Twitter Chat today, October 19 at 2:00 p.m. ET.
Alex Howard, Government 2.0 Washington Correspondent for O’Reilly Media, will facilitate an open discussion on voter education and engagement this election cycle. Feel free to follow the conversation (and even join in!) using the hashtag #Vote2012.