VIP #Vote2012 Twitter Chat: an open discussion on voting, elections and technology

On October 19th, VIP teamed up with Alex Howard, Government 2.0 Washington Correspondent for O’Reilly Media (@digiphile) to host an open discussion on Twitter surrounding how technology affects elections processes and voting.

The conversation produced some great key points from several participants on voter education, open platforms developers can use to improve the voting process and what elections officials can do to improve voter education and awareness.

Mashable Politics Reporter, Alex Fitzpatrick, made some great points about new apps helping voters remember registration deadlines or locate their polling place. The Independent Voter Network pointed out that states like California have been extremely successful in providing online voter registration and J.D. Ross, Director at the School of Information Studies at Syracuse University, mentioned the benefits of Wisconsin’s online voter information portal.

Find the full conversation below. Feel free to check out Alex’s take on the Twitter chat on GovFresh too.

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